rsb1s.jpg (56740 bytes)

RSB1.Early Soviet Best Riflemans badge.$20.00

rsb24as.jpg (65837 bytes)

RSB24A.Soviet RKKA Sniper. Aged finish. $24.95

rsb24bs.jpg (67327 bytes)

RSB24B.Soviet RKKA Sniper. New finish. $24.95

rsb22s.jpg (52780 bytes)

RSB22.Soviet badge for Voroshilov Horsemen of Osoaviakhim.
Instituted 1936. $24.95

rsb33s.jpg (4100 bytes)

RSB33.Soviet badge for Voroshilov Horseman of Osoaviakhim.
instituted 1939. $20.00

rsb23s.jpg (60155 bytes)

RSB23.Voroshilov Riflemans badge. $24.95

rsb2s.jpg (61304 bytes)

RSB2.Distinguished soldier of the Red Army. 1939. $20.00

badge3s.jpg (4236 bytes)

RSB3.Early Soviet RKKA commanders badge for Calvary troops. $29.95

badge4s.jpg (3780 bytes)

RSB4.Soviet 1923 flyers badge. $19.95

stb2s.jpg (3473 bytes)

RSB35.Soviet RKKA Tank badge. $29.95

badge5s.jpg (3076 bytes)

RSB5.Soviet Distinguished Drivers badge.$29.95

rsb34s.jpg (3571 bytes)

RSB34.Soviet Tankers badge. 1941. $29.95

badge6s.jpg (3876 bytes)

RSB6.Soviet badge for participants of the 11-30-1939 battle
in the Karelian peninsula with Finland.$29.95

badge7s.jpg (3708 bytes)

RSB7.Soviet badge for participants of the August 1939 battle of Halhingol.$29.95

rsb8s.jpg (63623 bytes)

RSB8.Soviet badge for participants of the August 6 battle of Hasan.$19.95

rsb9s.jpg (61511 bytes)

RSB9.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Sniper badge.$19.95

rsb10s.jpg (57870 bytes)

RSB10.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Saper badge.$19.95

badge11s.jpg (3568 bytes)

RSB11.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Torpedist badge.$19.95

rsb12s.jpg (65490 bytes)

RSB12.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Tractorist badge.$19.95

rsb13s.jpg (66372 bytes)

RSB13.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Submariner badge.$19.95

rsb14s.jpg (65183 bytes)

RSB14.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Cook badge.$19.95

rsb15s.jpg (61844 bytes)

RSB15.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Mine Layer badge.$19.95

rsb16s.jpg (61935 bytes)

RSB16.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Scout badge.$19.95

rsb17s.jpg (61847 bytes)

RSB17.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Pontoneer badge.$19.95

rsb18s.jpg (67215 bytes)

RSB18.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Railway Troops badge.$19.95

badge19s.jpg (3692 bytes)

RSB19.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Road Troops badge.$19.95

rsb20s.jpg (51895 bytes)

RSB20.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Aviator badge.$19.95

rsb21s.jpg (45388 bytes)

RSB21.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Machine Gunner badge. $19.95

para1s.jpg (3644 bytes)

RSB25.Soviet WW2 para badges. Screwback. $39.95

rsb32s.jpg (3989 bytes)

RSB32.Soviet WW2 Para badge. Clutch back. $15.00

rsb26s.jpg (49370 bytes)

RSB26.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Choufer badge. $19.95

rsb27s.jpg (67775 bytes)

RSB27.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Artillery Gunner badge. $19.95

rsb28s.jpg (68024 bytes)

RSB28.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Radiomans badge. $19.95

rsb29s.jpg (51942 bytes)

RSB29.Soviet WW2 Distinguished Medics badge. $19.95

rsb30s.jpg (3510 bytes)

RSB30.Soviet NKVD badge with red enamel back. sold out

nkvd3s.jpg (3510 bytes)

RSB31.Soviet NKVD badge with silver back. $45.00

guards-badge-s.jpg (5708 bytes)

SGB1.Soviet post war Guards badges. $12.95

sovgrdsbdg2s.jpg (4197 bytes)

SGB2.Reproduction Soviet WW2 Guards badges. $20.00


sm11s.jpg (3044 bytes)

SM11.Medal for bravery.(with number) SIOLD OUT
SM12.Medal for bravery.(without number) SOLD OUT


rsm9fs.jpg (38649 bytes)

rsm9bs.jpg (37266 bytes)

RSM9.Reproduction Defence of ODESSA medal type 1. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $20.00

rsm8s.jpg (42056 bytes)

rsm8cs.jpg (41894 bytes)

RSM8.Soviet Partisan medal 2nd class. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $24.95

rsm7s.jpg (39464 bytes)

rsm7cs.jpg (65323 bytes)

RSM7.Reproduction Defence of SEVASTOPOL medal type 1. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $20.00

moscow3s.jpg (52257 bytes)

moscow5s.jpg (54582 bytes)

moscow2s.jpg (59399 bytes)

RSM6.Reproduction Defence of MOSCOW medal type 1. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $20.00

stalin1s.jpg (37521 bytes)

stalin2s.jpg (40278 bytes)

RSM5.Reproduction Defence of Stalingrad medal type 1. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $20.00

lenningrad1s.jpg (39154 bytes)

lenningrad2s.jpg (35916 bytes)

RSM4.Reproduction Defence of Leningrad medal type 1. Brass medal with soldered on
ring, same as originals. Hanger is 2pc and made from Brass. $20.00

RSM1.Soviet Partizan medal 1st class. $24.95

RSM3.Soviet medal for the liberation of Belgrade. $24.95
RSM10.Reproduction Soviet Medal for Bravery. $15.00


hsus.jpg (2914 bytes)

hsuscrewbacks.jpg (3436 bytes)

SMGS2.Hero of Soviet Union. Screwback. $20.00

hsus.jpg (2914 bytes)

hsubacks.jpg (3144 bytes)

SMGS1.Hero of Soviet Union. Pinback. $20.00
olsb1s.jpg (56095 bytes)

ornbk3s.jpg (35468 bytes)

ORLN2.Reproduction Order of Lenin. Screwback.Type 4.
Type Issued from June 11, 1936 until June 19, 1943. $24.95

olwh1cs.jpg (47406 bytes)

orderlenin50bk2s.jpg (2060 bytes)

ORLN1.Reproduction Order of Lenin. Type 5.
Issued from 1943-early 1950's. $24.95

orl3frss.jpg (44781 bytes)

orderlenin6bks.jpg (41100 bytes)

ORLN3A.Reproduction Order of Lenin. Type 6 oval.
Issued from early 1950's - 1991.
Comes with early 2pc style hanger. $24.95

orl3frss.jpg (44781 bytes)

orderleninaluminum6S.jpg (44049 bytes)

ORLN3B.Reproduction Order of Lenin. Type 6 oval.
Issued from early 1950's - 1991.
Comes with late Soviet aluminum hanger. $24.95

orderredbannerscrew2s.jpg (1521 bytes)

redbnrbks.jpg (48497 bytes)

RSOM2.Reproduction Soviet order of Red Banner. Screwback. $24.95

orrdbnras.jpg (48843 bytes)

orrdbnrbs.jpg (41987 bytes)

RSOM1.Reproduction Soviet order of Red Banner with early 2 piece hanger. $24.95

redstar4s.jpg (49691 bytes)

rsbk1s.jpg (47490 bytes)

SORS2.Reproduction Soviet Order of Red Star.
Antique Silver finish for aged look. $24.95

redstar1s.jpg (53088 bytes)

rsbk1s.jpg (47490 bytes)

SORS1.Reproduction Soviet Order of Red Star.
Silver finish for factory new look. $24.95

kut1s.jpg (1447 bytes)

kut2s.jpg (1165 bytes)

RSO3.Reproduction Soviet Order of Kutuzov 3rd Class. $24.95

Soviet Medal Ribbon

orlnrbbns.jpg (33337 bytes)

SRBN1.Order of Lenin ribbon.12 inch piece. $5.00

sovorbrbns.jpg (39506 bytes)

SRBN2.Order of Red Banner ribbon.12 inch piece. $5.00

Order Using Our Secure Order Form


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